Fixed Deposit

General Information :

  • An investment of your surplus funds or to create a buffer fund for your future requirements like children's education/marriage, to buy a car or for a dream holiday. You will find a product that suits your requirement in all our branch.

  • Deposit tenure minimum 15 days and maximum 120 months.

  • Interest payable depending on tenure of deposit on monthly/quarterly basis or on maturity.

Interest Rate :

  • On pre-mature withdrawal of deposited amount interest will be calculated at 1% below the rate applicable for completed period of deposit. 

Eligibility :

  • Resident Indian, Companies, or a Co-operative Society. Societies, Trust, Firms, SHG’s.

 Document Required :

Applicants must satisfy the following documentation requirements:

  • Identity proof (PAN, EC Card, Driving Licence, Passport, and Employer Certificate for Proof of identity).

  • Passport Size Photograph - 2.

  • Proof of residence address.

  • Introduction as per bank norms.

Note: Mandatory to provide Permanent Address and telephone number. 

Facility :

  • The minimum balance of deposit is Rs.1000

  • Loans against deposits available up-to 90% of deposits available.

  • Nomination Facility - Available.